Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Acellus Allows Teachers to Update Classes to New Versions

Acellus teachers can now seamlessly update their current classes to new versions as they become available. As Acellus continually upgrades and enhances courses, sometimes an entire course will be replaced by a newer version. 

Acellus now has a way for teachers to move an entire class to the latest course version while maintaining student course position and historical records. 

Read the details about this new Course Update feature on my Acellus Blog for Educators.

Friday, December 8, 2017

New Feature Lets Students Boost Scores on Lessons

Retake Lessons For CreditJust as students are able to retake exams in Acellus to improve their scores, a new feature allows them to also retake Lessons they have already completed in the course to improve their score. 

The result is that students take greater control of their own learning — scoring higher and learning more in their Acellus courses.

Read the details about the new ’Retake for Credit’ feature on my Acellus Blog for Educators.