Friday, December 2, 2016

Acellus Success Zone

Dr. Roger Billings – White Paper
Published in the Journal of Science

Motivating teachers is one of the great challenges in education. There are many different thoughts and philosophies around how to evaluate teacher effectiveness in a way that is motivational. One thing that everyone seems to agree on is that when performance is monitored, it improves. Effective and timely feedback is critical for motivating teaching staff. However, close monitoring of a teacher can often result in lowered morale.

The traditional and commonly used instruments of teacher evaluation were reviewed: test scores, standardized tests, homework, quizzes, and end of unit exams. From an analysis of this feedback, it is evident that traditional teacher evaluation models are constructed on the philosophy that if the students all score well, the teacher is high-performing. A conclusion of this review of evidence shows that this method cannot be used to effectively monitor and inspire teachers. This legacy approach has been shown to be ineffective. What is needed is a new rubric for monitoring and evaluating teacher performance.

The student “Success Zone” model is focused on evaluating teacher performance in a way that does not discourage teachers. To create the Success Zone tools, technology, blended learning classrooms, and the power within teachers to inspire and motivate their students were studied.

Teachers are on the front-line and have the most influence and knowledge about how to motivate students in a way that results in success in the here, in the now, today, and in every classroom across the country. Teachers must be motivated to motivate students in the classroom. The ground-breaking impact of Success Zone is that timely feedback is provided in real-time to the teachers, administrators, and board members at the flashpoint when teaching improvement must occur.

 Dr. Billings

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